All Data Exploration pages use a filter that will only show you information that meets the criteria of the selected filter options. The filters options may change depending on which page you are on, but they will be persisted for future visits. To change the date selection check out our article Using the Date Filter.

Available Filters

Schools - View data for selected schools.

Student List - View data for students on selected Provider lists.

Grades - View data for selected grade levels.

Students - View data for specifically selected students.

Goal Progress - View data for students with selected goal progress based off of progress monitoring logs.

Show Archived Students - Include archived students in the results.

Show Inactive Users - Include inactive users in the results.

User Roles - View data for users with the selected User Role (District Administrator, School Administrator, or Provider).

User Types - View data for users with the selected User Type (Occupational Therapist, Nurse, Counselor, etc.).