What is a Draft? 

A draft is a named collection of unsubmitted logs. Every new log row you create is added to the current draft and your progress is saved as you go. Now, if you need to pause or leave Brolly for any reason before your logs are submitted, draft logging lets you pick up right where you left off!

Viewing Existing Drafts

There are several ways to view existing drafts.

  - On the Logging Grid itself:

  - Homepage, all saved drafts, and drafts grouped by log type and filtered by date selection:

Automatic Drafts

A new draft is automatically created for you the first time you begin logging each day. These default drafts will always be named "Incomplete Logs - <today's date>" (i.e. "Incomplete Logs - 02/19"). This way you can easily locate an unfinished draft.

Creating New Drafts

In addition to the automatic daily drafts, you can create a draft from scratch. From the logging grid, click on the "+" button and choose a name for your new draft. You can add logs to this new draft by selecting them and checking the box to "move selected logs to new draft".

Draft Settings Menu

Clicking on the gear icon by the draft selector will open up the draft settings menu. From here, you can rename, reassign logs, or delete the current draft.

    - Renaming Drafts

Clicking on the gear icon by the draft selector will open up the draft settings menu. Type a new name in the input box and hit "Save".

- Reassigning Logs Between Drafts

To allow for better organization, this option allows you to select logs and reassign them to a different draft. The dropdown will allow you to select from your other existing drafts for a given log type. When you hit "Save", the selected logs will be added to the selected draft and removed from the current draft.

- Deleting Drafts

Clicking the red delete button will delete the current draft as well as any unsaved data. We recommend submitting any completed drafts before attempting this, as deleting a draft cannot be undone.

Drafting for Future Dates

You can create draft logs for future dates, and submit them when you are ready. Many Brolly users have asked to be able to schedule out their future work ahead of time. Drafts are the answer! Note: you still cannot submit logs for future dates, so you will have to come back to review and submit the logs after the services have been renderrerd.