Calendar View Modes:

 At the top right of the Calendar View is a list of 4 View Mode options. You can change the view mode of the calendar by clicking these buttons.

Month View:

Month view displays a full calendar month at a time. Each calendar day shows how many logs of each type were submitted for that day. Hovering over an item will show additional information.Week View:

Week view displays a week of data at a time, where each day is broken into hourly blocks. Logs with start/end times (service tracking, some activity logs) will be displayed in the timeline. All other logs and "all-day" events will appear in a section at the top of the grid. Hovering over an item will show additional information.

Day View:

Day view displays a single day's worth of data, similar to the week view but more zoomed in.

List View:

List view displays a running record of all drafted and submitted logs in chronological order one week at a time. Hovering over an item will show additional information.


The arrow buttons at the top left of the calendar can be used to navigate to different months/weeks/days.


The filters button is a dropdown which allows you to filter by Log Type, Student, Missed Service Option, and Submitted/Draft logs. These filters are applied to the data on the calendar as well as the summary data cards in the top right. (For more information, refer to Provider Home Page - High Level Data.)

Selecting Calendar Dates:

Click on a date to select. Click again on the date to deselect. Click and drag to select a range of dates. Click on the red "Clear Dates" button on the top right of the calendar to deselect all dates.

With at least one date selected, you can use the links in the summary cards at the top right to link straight to the logging grid with those dates pre-selected. This technique can be used to generate log events for multiple calendar dates quickly and easily.

Editing Submitted Logs & Draft Logs:

Click on a submitted or draft log to open them in the log editor. 

Then select the logs you would like to edit, and click the "Edit Logs" link in the upper right to be taken to the correct logging page