To adjust the options for missed services:

Navigate to the Settings page.

Click on "Missed Service Options."

A list of your district's current options will appear.

To edit an option's name, double-click the name and type in the desired change.

If your district has enabled the Service Fulfillment Module you'll see an "Excused" column. Checking this box for an option means services logged with that option still count towards a student's service fulfillment.

To archive an option, check the box in the “Archived” column. Archived options won't affect past logs but will prevent future logs from using that option.

To add a new option, click the "Add Option" button in the lower left corner. Fill in the new option details in the added row. 

Note: You can have a maximum of 10 options.

Once finished, click the blue "Save" button in the lower right corner to apply your changes.